Monday, March 15, 2010

Wii Gaming Consoles (15/3)

Watch this:

1. Why do you think Wii gaming has appeal to people who are not traditionally video game players?

It gives the older generaton in the clip an alternative to using the normal exercises during rehabilitation (post surgery). It is something more exciting and gives them the opportunity to engage in the 'sport' they want to, whether it is bowling or golf or tennis, the list goes on!! And lastly, it is FUN! The old mans face was estatic!

2. What is the relevance to OT?

This is an great Intervention tool to use with clients to improve their physical capabilities while also engaging them in meaningful occupatons that they enjoy. Clients may be more motivated to engage in Wii games than traditional therapy excercises, and this woud speed up and enhance their recovery.

3. Inverstigate the other applications offered by the wii gaming console, how else could it be used as an OT tool?

Not only do Wii consoles have games which help wth enhancing fitness, endurance and co-ordination, they also have applications designed to enhance peoples cognitive functioning such as problem solving, planning, spatial awareness, memory and numerical skills. This could be used also in therapy to enhance cognitive capabilities.

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